SMW2023 Partnership Announcement – EWHA-CHAIN

Introducing EWHA-CHAIN, Official Partner of Seoul Meta Week 2023! ??

EWHA-CHAIN is an academic society where students who are interested in blockchain technology and industry gather to study blockchain and conduct blockchain projects themselves. Through a systematic curriculum and various activities, all positions such as planning and development are supported to achieve excellent results in their respective positions. Many members are engaged in and contributing to the industry in various ways.

? Slogan and Key Values
Where Change Begins, Where chain begins, We are chainers.

EWHA-CHAIN’s mission is to build a community of next-generation Blockchain Industry Leaders, where Women of Talents interested in blockchain study, interact and conduct blockchain projects.

? Activities
Blockchain Bootcamp
Intensive development workshop and speaker session

Ewha Chain provides an opportunity for members to intensively study blockchain and interact with other participants, including speakers or other university students. In the 1st bootcamp, they communicated with Ewha alumni speakers and students from Korea University and Sungkyunkwan University. In the 2nd bootcamp, intensive learning about Solana was conducted through collaboration with the Solana Foundation.

?Hackathons Achievements of EWHA-CHAIN R&D Projects
We’re participating in various hackathons, hosted by from Layer 1 Foundation to domestic and global companies.

?Blockchain Events Networking and information exchange with alumni and industry
We are actively participating as a participant, partner or speaker, ranging from domestic large-scale blockchain events such as KOREA BLOCKCHAIN WEEK (KBW) and BUIDL ASIA to international blockchain events such as Consensus, Solana Breakpoint and NEARCON. In addition, we are creating a space for industry interaction by holding events such as seminars, Twitter spaces, and meetups with foundations and influential companies/organizations.

?Seminars Hosting of informative blockchain events

Ewha Chain hosts conference or seminars frequently, including our recruiting season. In the seminar, lectures by speakers who are active in the blockchain industry or graduate alumni, blockchain basic sessionsareconducted.Incollaborationwithfoundationsandcompanies, seminarsareheldtoprovide a venue for information exchange focused on the actual industry participants.

R&D Achievements Sharing R&D achievements of members

EWHA-CHAIN members are constantly creating R&D achievements and contents ourselves. In addition to the basic curriculum of the society, there are many academic members who engage in and contribute to the industry or prepare for their careers in various positions such as planning, development, design, and community management. Official media are actively operated for the purpose of sharing academic contents include Medium and Github.

Official Website EWHA-CHAIN website development

A team was formed for applicants to develop the Ewha Chain website. Theplanners wasinchargeofUX/UIdesign,siteupdate information collection and management. The developers worked with NodeJS+Express.js+Nginx-basedwebdevelopment.

-Media Activities, News, Information sharing

We are operating various media accounts for the purpose of advertising our activities, sharing blockchain and web3 information, our recruiting, and external cooperation.

Wanna know about EWHA-CHAIN?
EWHA-CHAIN official website:

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